Equity 4 All Americans Fund
Join today: Create your own account and/or help us fight to reduce economic equality in a new way: -We'll help create and generate means-tested funding for investment, retirement, and first-home down-payment accounts for lower-income Americans, and education and investment accounts for children...so, with increased financial literacy, they can all share shares of our economy!
The sooner you sign up, the greater your potential share! -Adults and parents or guardians of a child under 18 and having household income under $20,000, please contact us at lincoln@equity4allamericansfund.com to be enrolled for potential benefits at no cost.
Donors/volunteers: Be a 'disruptor' and join the movement to sustainably reduce economic inequality: Contact us today at lincoln@equity4allamericansfund.com.
Can you actually contribute to someone else's IRA or investment account? -You can, and we are: The Equity 4 All Americans Fund is the only US charity that enables contributors/volunteers to set up and fund accounts for the less fortunate on a means-tested/needs-assessed basis.
IRAs, investment accounts, and home ownership are great, but many lower-income folks don't set up the accounts, can't afford to fund them, and can't afford the home down-payment...but we're changing this!​

Share Allocations: Benefit allocations from the E4AA Fund will be strictly means-tested/needs-assessed so lower-income-and-wealth persons and households receive greater allocations. All shares will be held for higher education, first-home down-payment, and/or retirement. Initially, those with household income under $20,000 will be eligible. As contributions increase, we'll increase this threshold.
Persons/households will be ranked by income/wealth into several lower-to-higher brackets, with lower brackets receiving greater allocations. For Fund allocation and distributions from earnings, income/wealth factors will be applied each year. Principal will not all be allocated or distributed in a given year.
We will have increased outreach to lower-income communities.
Persons of color, on average, will likely receive greater benefit allocations, as they tend to have lower income and wealth.
Down-payment Assistance Funds: The E4AA Fund is the only US nonprofit that will provide, and let donors contribute toward, first-home down-payment assistance funds that will be distributed on a means-tested/sliding-scale basis so those with lower-income receive greater allocations.
Shares for Schools -We'll help schools and colleges create and fund accounts for both education and asset-building. Lower-income schools receive higher allocations.

Equity 4 All Americans Fund
We'll be teaching children about their own financial system...with real assets. We believe:
-All children should begin investing and learning about our financial system while very young.
-Holding stocks and other assets for the future can be of greater benefit than near-term cash payouts.
-Directly sharing wealth with qualified beneficiaries can benefit them more than having the government control the funds being shared.
-Lower-income folks, including children, should be enabled to share in profits when businesses have increased earnings.
-They'll be able to do this 'automatically' through shares in the E4AA Fund.
To Sign Up or Volunteer go the 'Tell Us' section at the bottom and fill in your name and contact info, and, for a potential share, income and assets information as well. For share vesting or distribution, we'll need information like on a loan application, including your social # and proof of income, etc. There will be a single fund. Final allocations will not be determined until disbursement.
Get in touch
Dillsburg, PA 17019
to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.